In January 2013, B&R Industrial Automation added Machine Control Group as the newest member of its North American partner network.In January 2013, B&R Industrial Automation added Machine Control Group as the newest member of its North American partner network. “B&R's complete automation portfolio, superior quality hardware, a single software package for deploying any system, and a vast global support network was the perfect foundation for establishing Machine Control Group as a premier automation supplier in Missouri, Arkansas, and western Tennessee,” states Ryan Glenn, President of Machine Control Group.
Machine Control Group is an engineering focused solution provider with an emphasis on a superior customer experience. The partner supports customers not only by delivering ideal product solutions, but also helps strategize, plan, and analyze financial considerations of implementing a new control system. “Our sales engineers provide the highest level of assistance in system configuration and software development,” Glenn explains.
The team has over seven years of experience supporting world class machinery builders, system integrators, and end users with their automation needs. With its broad product portfolio, Machine Control Group serves virtually every industry, including print and paper, packaging and pharmaceutical, wood, plastics, metal forming, textiles, energy, automotive and mobile automation.
Machine Control Group’s team expertise ranges from vision systems, sensors, connectivity, mechanical systems, motion control, visualization, distributed IO, to complete machine control solutions. Marc Ostertag, President of B&R Industrial Automation comments, “The addition of this new partner allows us to better serve our customers in the greater St. Louis area. Innovative, global products combined with local expertise have long been a B&R strongpoint. We look forward to supporting them with proven machine control technology that provides customers with a competitive edge in today’s global marketplace.”
More on Machine Control Group
B&R to prywatne przedsiębiorstwo z siedzibą w Austrii i przedstawicielstwami na całym świecie. Jako globalny lider w automatyce przemysłowej, B&R łączy najnowocześniejsze technologie z kunsztem inżynieryjnym, oferując klientom z praktycznie każdej branży kompleksowe rozwiązania z zakresu automatyki maszyn i procesów, sterowania napędem, interfejsów HMI oraz zintegrowanej technologii bezpieczeństwa. Dzięki standardom komunikacyjnych magistrali przemysłowych typu POWERLINK i openSAFETY, oraz oferującemu ogromne możliwości środowisku do projektowania Automation Studio, firma B&R wciąż na nowo definiuje przyszłość inżynierii maszyn i automatyki. U źródeł innowacyjności, która pozwala B&R zachować pozycję lidera w dziedzinie automatyki przemysłowej, leży silna potrzeba upraszczania procesów oraz wychodzenia naprzód oczekiwaniom klientów.
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B&R Industrial Automation Corp.
Attn: Ilona Kanas
ul. Strzeszyńska 33
60-479 Poznań