
Wersja Język
System operacyjny
Typ Pobierz UP * WinVista, Win7/32bit, Win7/64bit, Windows8, Windows10 21/09/2017 7 GB ZIP AS_4.2.10.53_UP_DVD.zip
Opis Automation Studio V4.2
LTS Version


Innovative structures
Connectivity, TextSystem and Access&Security are the first topics that have a specific folder in the Configuration View and logbooks in the logging system

OSDD Import
By configuring Powerlink Safety Devices in standardized OSDD files 3rd party Safety devices can be used in Automation Studio.

System Designer Usability
The System Designer has been extended by some functions like comment boxes, docking lines and an extensible grid. The arrangement of the modules has been significantly improved.

EventLog System
Description texts can be defined in multiple languages also for customer specific log entries. The description texts can be read with the ArEventLog Library.

Project Transfer
The new transfer transfers all BR-modules at once on the PLC. After the transfer only one restart is required. In case of transfer termination a consistent state of the project is available, the machine always runs in a defined state.

Integrated Textsystem
The integrated text system allows a central administration of localizable texts on the runtime system in Automation Studio projects. These texts can be used by a function block interface, in the mapp View visualization or custom specific log entries.

Technology Packages

mapp Technology
mapp (modular application technology) ist Teil des Application Layers und unterstützt Entwickler von Maschinen und Anlagenapplikationen, auf effiziente Art und Weise wieder- kehrende Funktionen umzusetzen. Flexibilität; Skalierbarkeit und Qualität stehen dabei im Vordergrund.


Unit Testing
Reusing tested software and a growing number of test cases ensures an improvement of software quality. This reduces maintenance efforts and creates space for innovative product development.

Ladder Tracepoints
With ladder diagram tracepoints the current states of the signal lines are shown . Furthermore, the switching states are synchronized tapped for PLC cycle and transmitted as consistent picture of Automation Studio . In the ladder diagram the exact position- dependent state of variables and lines are displayed.

SmartEdit Usability
The SmartEdit functions in Automation Studio text editors have been improved in code completion, automatic variable declaration and syntax highlighting.


OPC UA Engineering Units
Using OPC UA engineering units data can be interpreted unambiguously on the client based on the physical unit. Units can be easily assignet to OPC UA variables by drag&drop.

OPC UA Client FB
The library AsOpcUac allows a B&R controller to act as a OPC UA client. Thus, data can be exchanged with any OPC UA server.

All POWERLINK master- and slave devices can be easily configured in Automation Studio. Custom-developed controllers can be equipped with functional safety technology using openSAFETY.

Security with SSL/TLS
The library AsTCP and AsSMTP expands the possibility of secure communication by self-signed certificates on Automation Runtime.

The OPC UA server has been extended to role based and dynamic limits (EU-Range). In conjunction with the new user administration, rights can be defined individual for different roles.

OPC UA Audit Events
Audit events provide the opportunity to monitor changes to machines that have been taken by an OPC UA client
Wersja Język
System operacyjny
Typ Pobierz UP * WinVista, Win7/32bit, Win7/64bit, Windows8, Windows10 20/02/2017 6 GB ZIP AS_4.2.7.54_UP_DVD.zip
Opis Automation Studio V4.2
LTS Version


Innovative structures
Connectivity, TextSystem and Access&Security are the first topics that have a specific folder in the Configuration View and logbooks in the logging system

OSDD Import
By configuring Powerlink Safety Devices in standardized OSDD files 3rd party Safety devices can be used in Automation Studio.

System Designer Usability
The System Designer has been extended by some functions like comment boxes, docking lines and an extensible grid. The arrangement of the modules has been significantly improved.

EventLog System
Description texts can be defined in multiple languages also for customer specific log entries. The description texts can be read with the ArEventLog Library.

Project Transfer
The new transfer transfers all BR-modules at once on the PLC. After the transfer only one restart is required. In case of transfer termination a consistent state of the project is available, the machine always runs in a defined state.

Integrated Textsystem
The integrated text system allows a central administration of localizable texts on the runtime system in Automation Studio projects. These texts can be used by a function block interface, in the mapp View visualization or custom specific log entries.

Technology Packages

mapp Technology
mapp (modular application technology) ist Teil des Application Layers und unterstützt Entwickler von Maschinen und Anlagenapplikationen, auf effiziente Art und Weise wieder- kehrende Funktionen umzusetzen. Flexibilität; Skalierbarkeit und Qualität stehen dabei im Vordergrund.


Unit Testing
Reusing tested software and a growing number of test cases ensures an improvement of software quality. This reduces maintenance efforts and creates space for innovative product development.

Ladder Tracepoints
With ladder diagram tracepoints the current states of the signal lines are shown . Furthermore, the switching states are synchronized tapped for PLC cycle and transmitted as consistent picture of Automation Studio . In the ladder diagram the exact position- dependent state of variables and lines are displayed.

SmartEdit Usability
The SmartEdit functions in Automation Studio text editors have been improved in code completion, automatic variable declaration and syntax highlighting.


OPC UA Engineering Units
Using OPC UA engineering units data can be interpreted unambiguously on the client based on the physical unit. Units can be easily assignet to OPC UA variables by drag&drop.

OPC UA Client FB
The library AsOpcUac allows a B&R controller to act as a OPC UA client. Thus, data can be exchanged with any OPC UA server.

All POWERLINK master- and slave devices can be easily configured in Automation Studio. Custom-developed controllers can be equipped with functional safety technology using openSAFETY.

Security with SSL/TLS
The library AsTCP and AsSMTP expands the possibility of secure communication by self-signed certificates on Automation Runtime.

The OPC UA server has been extended to role based and dynamic limits (EU-Range). In conjunction with the new user administration, rights can be defined individual for different roles.

OPC UA Audit Events
Audit events provide the opportunity to monitor changes to machines that have been taken by an OPC UA client
Wersja Język
System operacyjny
Typ Pobierz UP * WinVista, Win7/32bit, Win7/64bit, Windows8, Windows10 22/11/2016 6 GB ZIP AS_4.2.6.110_UP_DVD.zip
Opis Automation Studio V4.2
LTS Version


Innovative structures
Connectivity, TextSystem and Access&Security are the first topics that have a specific folder in the Configuration View and logbooks in the logging system

OSDD Import
By configuring Powerlink Safety Devices in standardized OSDD files 3rd party Safety devices can be used in Automation Studio.

System Designer Usability
The System Designer has been extended by some functions like comment boxes, docking lines and an extensible grid. The arrangement of the modules has been significantly improved.

EventLog System
Description texts can be defined in multiple languages also for customer specific log entries. The description texts can be read with the ArEventLog Library.

Project Transfer
The new transfer transfers all BR-modules at once on the PLC. After the transfer only one restart is required. In case of transfer termination a consistent state of the project is available, the machine always runs in a defined state.

Integrated Textsystem
The integrated text system allows a central administration of localizable texts on the runtime system in Automation Studio projects. These texts can be used by a function block interface, in the mapp View visualization or custom specific log entries.

Technology Packages

mapp Technology
mapp (modular application technology) ist Teil des Application Layers und unterstützt Entwickler von Maschinen und Anlagenapplikationen, auf effiziente Art und Weise wieder- kehrende Funktionen umzusetzen. Flexibilität; Skalierbarkeit und Qualität stehen dabei im Vordergrund.


Unit Testing
Reusing tested software and a growing number of test cases ensures an improvement of software quality. This reduces maintenance efforts and creates space for innovative product development.

Ladder Tracepoints
With ladder diagram tracepoints the current states of the signal lines are shown . Furthermore, the switching states are synchronized tapped for PLC cycle and transmitted as consistent picture of Automation Studio . In the ladder diagram the exact position- dependent state of variables and lines are displayed.

SmartEdit Usability
The SmartEdit functions in Automation Studio text editors have been improved in code completion, automatic variable declaration and syntax highlighting.


OPC UA Engineering Units
Using OPC UA engineering units data can be interpreted unambiguously on the client based on the physical unit. Units can be easily assignet to OPC UA variables by drag&drop.

OPC UA Client FB
The library AsOpcUac allows a B&R controller to act as a OPC UA client. Thus, data can be exchanged with any OPC UA server.

All POWERLINK master- and slave devices can be easily configured in Automation Studio. Custom-developed controllers can be equipped with functional safety technology using openSAFETY.

Security with SSL/TLS
The library AsTCP and AsSMTP expands the possibility of secure communication by self-signed certificates on Automation Runtime.

The OPC UA server has been extended to role based and dynamic limits (EU-Range). In conjunction with the new user administration, rights can be defined individual for different roles.

OPC UA Audit Events
Audit events provide the opportunity to monitor changes to machines that have been taken by an OPC UA client
Wersja Język
System operacyjny
Typ Pobierz * WinVista, Win7/32bit, Win7/64bit, Windows8, Windows10 07/07/2016 6 GB ZIP AS_4.2.5.388_DVD.zip
Opis Automation Studio V4.2
LTS Version


Innovative structures
Connectivity, TextSystem and Access&Security are the first topics that have a specific folder in the Configuration View and logbooks in the logging system

OSDD Import
By configuring Powerlink Safety Devices in standardized OSDD files 3rd party Safety devices can be used in Automation Studio.

System Designer Usability
The System Designer has been extended by some functions like comment boxes, docking lines and an extensible grid. The arrangement of the modules has been significantly improved.

EventLog System
Description texts can be defined in multiple languages also for customer specific log entries. The description texts can be read with the ArEventLog Library.

Project Transfer
The new transfer transfers all BR-modules at once on the PLC. After the transfer only one restart is required. In case of transfer termination a consistent state of the project is available, the machine always runs in a defined state.

Integrated Textsystem
The integrated text system allows a central administration of localizable texts on the runtime system in Automation Studio projects. These texts can be used by a function block interface, in the mapp View visualization or custom specific log entries.

Technology Packages

mapp Technology
mapp (modular application technology) ist Teil des Application Layers und unterstützt Entwickler von Maschinen und Anlagenapplikationen, auf effiziente Art und Weise wieder- kehrende Funktionen umzusetzen. Flexibilität; Skalierbarkeit und Qualität stehen dabei im Vordergrund.


Unit Testing
Reusing tested software and a growing number of test cases ensures an improvement of software quality. This reduces maintenance efforts and creates space for innovative product development.

Ladder Tracepoints
With ladder diagram tracepoints the current states of the signal lines are shown . Furthermore, the switching states are synchronized tapped for PLC cycle and transmitted as consistent picture of Automation Studio . In the ladder diagram the exact position- dependent state of variables and lines are displayed.

SmartEdit Usability
The SmartEdit functions in Automation Studio text editors have been improved in code completion, automatic variable declaration and syntax highlighting.


OPC UA Engineering Units
Using OPC UA engineering units data can be interpreted unambiguously on the client based on the physical unit. Units can be easily assignet to OPC UA variables by drag&drop.

OPC UA Client FB
The library AsOpcUac allows a B&R controller to act as a OPC UA client. Thus, data can be exchanged with any OPC UA server.

All POWERLINK master- and slave devices can be easily configured in Automation Studio. Custom-developed controllers can be equipped with functional safety technology using openSAFETY.

Security with SSL/TLS
The library AsTCP and AsSMTP expands the possibility of secure communication by self-signed certificates on Automation Runtime.

The OPC UA server has been extended to role based and dynamic limits (EU-Range). In conjunction with the new user administration, rights can be defined individual for different roles.

OPC UA Audit Events
Audit events provide the opportunity to monitor changes to machines that have been taken by an OPC UA client
Wersja Język
System operacyjny
Typ Pobierz * WinVista, Win7/32bit, Win7/64bit, Windows8, Windows8.1, Windows10 26/11/2015 6 GB ZIP AS_4.2.4.149_DVD.zip
Opis Automation Studio V4.2
Incremental version


mapp Technology
mapp (modular application technology) is part of the Application Layer and supports
machine developers and application engineers. mapp provides ready to use functions and
function blocks for typical machine tasks. Flexibility, scalability and quality are
the main aspects.


Unit Testing
Reusing tested software and a growing number of test cases ensures an improvement
of software quality. This reduces maintenance efforts and creates space for
innovative product development.


OPC UA Engineering Units
Using OPC UA engineering units data can be interpreted unambiguously on the
client based on the physical unit. Units can be easily assignet to OPC UA variables
by drag&drop.

OPC UA Client FB
The library AsOpcUac allows a B&R controller to act as a OPC UA client.
Thus, data can be exchanged with any OPC UA server.

All POWERLINK master- and slave devices can be easily configured in Automation Studio.
Custom-developed controllers can be equipped with functional safety technology
using openSAFETY.
Wersja Język
System operacyjny
Typ Pobierz * WinVista, Win7/32bit, Win7/64bit, Windows8, Windows8.1, Windows10 09/09/2015 6 GB ZIP AS_4.2.3.159_DVD.zip
Opis Automation Studio V4.2
Incremental version


mapp Technology
mapp (modular application technology) is part of the Application Layer and supports
machine developers and application engineers. mapp provides ready to use functions and
function blocks for typical machine tasks. Flexibility, scalability and quality are
the main aspects.


Unit Testing
Reusing tested software and a growing number of test cases ensures an improvement
of software quality. This reduces maintenance efforts and creates space for
innovative product development.


OPC UA Engineering Units
Using OPC UA engineering units data can be interpreted unambiguously on the
client based on the physical unit. Units can be easily assignet to OPC UA variables
by drag&drop.

OPC UA Client FB
The library AsOpcUac allows a B&R controller to act as a OPC UA client.
Thus, data can be exchanged with any OPC UA server.

All POWERLINK master- and slave devices can be easily configured in Automation Studio.
Custom-developed controllers can be equipped with functional safety technology
using openSAFETY.
Wersja Język
System operacyjny
Typ Pobierz * WinVista, Win7/32bit, Win7/64bit, Windows8, Windows8.1, Windows10 18/06/2015 6 GB ZIP AS_4.2.2.134_DVD.zip
Opis Automation Studio V4.2
Incremental version


mapp Technology
mapp (modular application technology) is part of the Application Layer and supports
machine developers and application engineers. mapp provides ready to use functions and
function blocks for typical machine tasks. Flexibility, scalability and quality are
the main aspects.


Unit Testing
Reusing tested software and a growing number of test cases ensures an improvement
of software quality. This reduces maintenance efforts and creates space for
innovative product development.


OPC UA Engineering Units
Using OPC UA engineering units data can be interpreted unambiguously on the
client based on the physical unit. Units can be easily assignet to OPC UA variables
by drag&drop.

OPC UA Client FB
The library AsOpcUac allows a B&R controller to act as a OPC UA client.
Thus, data can be exchanged with any OPC UA server.

All POWERLINK master- and slave devices can be easily configured in Automation Studio.
Custom-developed controllers can be equipped with functional safety technology
using openSAFETY.
Wersja Język
System operacyjny
Typ Pobierz * WinVista, Win7/32bit, Win7/64bit, Windows8, Windows8.1, Windows10 30/04/2015 5 GB ZIP AS_4.2.1.214_DVD.zip
Opis Automation Studio V4.2


mapp Technology
mapp (modular application technology) is part of the Application Layer and supports
machine developers and application engineers. mapp provides ready to use functions and
function blocks for typical machine tasks. Flexibility, scalability and quality are
the main aspects.


Unit Testing
Reusing tested software and a growing number of test cases ensures an improvement
of software quality. This reduces maintenance efforts and creates space for
innovative product development.


OPC UA Engineering Units
Using OPC UA engineering units data can be interpreted unambiguously on the
client based on the physical unit. Units can be easily assignet to OPC UA variables
by drag&drop.

OPC UA Client FB
The library AsOpcUac allows a B&R controller to act as a OPC UA client.
Thus, data can be exchanged with any OPC UA server.

All POWERLINK master- and slave devices can be easily configured in Automation Studio.
Custom-developed controllers can be equipped with functional safety technology
using openSAFETY.

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