Industry 4.0へのあと一歩をIO-Link1.1で

B&RはIO-Link1.1を使用した2つの新しいマスターモジュールを発表します。これにより4つのインテリジェント・フィールド・デバイスとデジタル通信を行うことができます。 保護等級IP20のX20DS438Aと、コントロールキャビネット外で使用可能な保護等級IP67のX67DS438Aです。


B&R opens subsidiary in Japan

Leading provider of automation technology B&R is proud to announce the opening of its 24th subsidiary – B&R Japan, headquartered in Yokohama and led by Masashi Ono.


Industrial Ethernet now on Raspberry Pi2

POWERLINK is the first industrial Ethernet protocol to work on the new Raspberry Pi2. Kalycito has implemented openPOWERLINK master and slave with Linux on the 2nd generation of the single-board computer. Raspberry Pi2 was introduced in the spring of…



IP65保護等級付きパネルのついたB&Rのスイング・アーム・システムが水準を引き上げます。 オペレータ端末が機械上で最適な位置に置かれるようにします。



ドイツ・ハノーバーで行われる展示会・EUROBLECHのホール12・B05ブースにおいて、B&Rはコンディションモニタリングの最先端ソリューション・APROL ConMonを展示いたします。 ITを利用して機械・プラントの状況をモニタリングすることで、金属加工業の稼動停止時間を削減し、また予想外の欠陥によるダメージを防止します。 結果は? 機械出力が増加し、製品品質が向上します。


Protection against moisture and corrosive environments

With the X20c series, B&R is setting new standards for protection against harsh environmental conditions. The "coated" variants of the compact controller and I/O modules are protected against condensation and corrosive gases by a special coating on…


B&R shines a spotlight on 3 expo highlights at WindEnergy Hamburg

One of the highlights being presented this year by B&R at booth B5.440 of the WindEnergy Hamburg expo is the latest release of the APROL process control system. Version 4.0 is the perfect platform for linking together all kinds of energy-related…


CHINAPLAS 2014 showcases B&R's leadership in plastics

Sixty-nine leading plastic machinery manufacturers introduced new machines based on B&R control technology at CHINAPLAS 2014, the world’s second largest plastics industry event. Once again, the B&R booth was the exhibition's de facto hub for plastics…


Modular mechatronic systems gaining momentum

With the ACOPOSmotor, B&R combines a servo motor and drive in one compact unit. Safety technology can also be integrated as an option. This gives developers more freedom when designing a machine and can save valuable space in the control cabinet.


Password-protected FTP access management for B&R systems

All B&R controllers have an FTP server on board as a standard feature. A protection mechanism with integrated username and password management now makes accessing this server even more secure – without sacrificing ease of operation.



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