To be able present your project, you need to develop a project concept. We have a clear vision of how this should be done and require that you prepare your project according to our guidelines. For a project presentation, you need a poster and a short description that represents the basic requirements for a successful presentation.

Short description

Short description

The first thing you should do is write a short description of your project. You will surely refer back to it often during the process of completing the project. The following information must be included:

  • The project concept – What sparked the idea for the project?
  • What is particularly unique, difficult or challenging about your project?
  • What is your proposed solution and how do you plan to implement it?
  • Which B&R hardware is needed?
  • [Mandatory information: Name, adviser, educational institution, project name]

The poster

The poster

The poster is a visual representation of your project concept. Use colors and symbols – inspire your audience. The poster must include the following information:

  • Project title
  • Project designers
  • Project advisor
  • Educational institution
  • Sketch of the machine or system
  • Connection between the B&R hardware and the machine or system
It is not at all about how the poster or presentation looks, dealing with the project topic is more important. It is necessary to show the important characteristics and special features of your project to those watching the presentation.

The presentation

The presentation

It's easy to recognize when a presentation was poorly prepared, even after a lot of practice. Here are some helpful guidelines and tips:

  • You have 5 minutes – Having less time available for a presentation means that more work is involved in preparation.
  • Speak loudly and clearly.
  • Maintain eye contact with your audience.
  • Think about what you are doing with your hands.
  • Be sure the topic is clear. What is the goal of your project?
  • What makes your proposal interesting?
  • Why is your project such a great idea?
  • What are the benefits of your solution?
  • How do you plan to implement your project?
  • Don't forget about your target group.

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