Introduction: Single axis motion control with mapp Motion [SOC415.1]

This learning path starts with single axis movement with mapp Motion and the diagnostics. It continues by showing you different homing modes and how to integrate external signals. Finally, you will gain an insight into sizing a B&R servo system with SERVOsoft.

Module 1

Single axis movement with mapp Motion

Module 2

Motion Control Diagnostics using Logger and Drive Log

Module 3

Homing modes and integration of external signals for homing purposes

Module 4

Sizing a B&R servo system with SERVOsoft


Absolute homing

Further information is provided below.

Available languages:

  • English

Order Code:

Module 1:

Single axis movement with mapp Motion

Single axis movement with mapp Motion


These instructions will help you take your first steps in the field of motion control at B&R. Learn how to put an axis into operation with B&R products.


  • Hardware basics
  • Creating the basic project
  • Configuring an axis
  • Commissioning with mapp Cockpit
  • Controller settings and autotuning
  • Mechanical systems
  • Operating a conveyor belt
  • Operating a spindle drive
  • Diagnostics

Target group

Automation Studio beginners (high school and university students, employees and people who would like to learn more about motion control)


  • Automation Studio and mapp Technology packages (mapp Motion, mapp Cockpit, mapp View) are installed
  • Automation Studio basics (see SOC210.1: "Introduction to Automation Studio, project creation and connection setup" and "Programming introduction using a fill level control as an example)

Topic duration

From starting the project to movement of the axis: About 3-4 hours

Hardware used

The course is based on the following hardware:

  • X20CP1686X with ACOPOSmicro

The instructions in the course can only be performed with real hardware. Some steps cannot be implemented in the simulation. These are marked accordingly.

Software used

  • Automation Studio version 4.10
  • Automation Runtime version C4.91
  • mapp Technology V5.14

Module 2:

Motion Control Diagnostics using Logger and Drive Log

Motion Control Diagnostics using Logger and Drive Log


In this course, participants will learn about the different diagnostics tools we offer to analyze motion behavior on any axis. From analysis of axis behavior to diagnosis of any errors that may occur. Two main tools: Logger and Drive Log, as well as other interesting diagnostic options.


  • Logger: Description and an example
  • Drive log: Description and an example
  • Additional diagnostic options
  • Example

Target group

Advanced Automation Studio users with some experience in motion control (collage and university students, employees and people who would like to learn more about axis coupling)


  • Automation Studio and mapp Technology packages (mapp Motion, mapp Cockpit, mapp View) are installed
  • Motion control basics (see "Single-axis movement with mapp Motion")
  • The online course is based on the first part of the single axis movement project (configuring an axis, commissioning with mapp Cockpit, controller settings, and autotuning)

Topic duration

About 1-2 hours

Hardware used

The online course is based on the following hardware:

  • X20CP1585 with ACOPOSmicro

The online course can also be performed using simulation.

Software used

  • Automation Studio version 4.12
  • Automation Runtime version B4.93
  • mapp Technology 5.22

Module 3:

Homing modes and integration of external signals for homing purposes

Homing modes and integration of external signals for homing purposes


This course will provide an overview of the different homing modes and how to integrate external signals for homing purposes.


  • Concept of homing modes
  • Showing different homing modes
  • Integration of external signals for homing purposes
  • How to home an axis in Automation Studio / mapp Cockpit

Target group

Advanced Automation Studio users with some experience in motion control (college and university students, employees and people who would like to learn more about homing modes)


  • Automation Studio and mapp Technology packages (mapp Motion, mapp Cockpit, mapp View) are installed
  • Motion control basics (see "Single-axis movement with mapp Motion")

Topic duration

About 1-2 hours

Hardware used

The online course isn’t based on specific hardware. For the example, you can use an

  • X20CP1585 with ACOPOSmicro

Some chapters may require specific hardware. If this is the case, it will be mentioned in the chapter.

The online course can also be performed using simulation.

Software used

  • Automation Studio version 4.12
  • mapp Technology V5.24

Module 4:

Sizing a B&R servo system with SERVOsoft

Sizing a B&R servo system with SERVOsoft


In this course you will learn how to size a servo system in SERVOsoft.


  • Installation and licensing of SERVOsoft
  • Layout of the SERVOsoft interface
  • Sizing process of a servo system

Target group

Advanced online course for new learners in the field of drive chain configuration (engineers, students, university projects, employees and people who would like to learn more about the drivetrain sizing)


  • Required software to be downloaded after starting the course: SERVOsoft

Topic duration

About 3 - 4 hours

Hardware used


Software used

  • SERVOsoft (v4)


Absolute homing

Absolute homing


Absolute homing establishes a relationship between the current axis hardware position (absolute encoder reading) and the axis software position. What is the difference between "absolute homing" and 'absolute homing with counting range correction"?

Target group

Advanced Automation Studio users with some experience in motion control and homing modes


  • Motion control and homing basics

Topic duration

15 min.

Hardware used


Software used



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