Like all other control applications, a reACTION program is developed in Automation Studio using IEC 61131-3 function blocks. The reACTION program is then assigned to one or more reACTION modules in the module configuration.

Data is stored centrally on the controller and transferred when needed to the reACTION modules, where they are stored in memory. As an alternative to having one program permanently assigned to a module, it is also possible for the controller to dynamically transfer and activate a variety of reACTION programs – even at runtime. A reACTION program can also be executed directly on the CPU for simulation purposes – in slow motion, so to speak.


  • One reACTION program for many modules
  • Many reACTION programs for a single module
  • Possible to switch between programs at runtime

As with regular I/O modules, cyclic data is transferred using data points, whose number and data type can be set in the module configuration. With cross-communication mapping, these cyclic data points can be exchanged directly between reACTION modules independently of the controller. This also means that reACTION modules can just as easily communicate directly with regular I/O modules.


Die Liste der reACTION-Funktionsblöcke wird laufend erweitert und ergänzt. Die neuen Blöcke sind einfach im Feld per Firmware-Upgrade nachladbar.

Zudem kann der Anwender eigene Funktionsblöcke aus der reACTION-Library erstellen, um komplexe Programme besser zu strukturieren.



  • And
  • Or
  • Xor
  • Not
  • Bit-Shift
  • Bit2Byte
  • Byte2Bit


  • Digital
  • Analog
  • SSI Encoder
  • AB-Zähler
  • ABR-Zähler


  • Zyklische Datenpunkte
  • Lesen von internen Variablen
  • Zyklische Datenpunkte an die Steuerung
  • Schreiben von internen Variablen


  • Addition
  • Subtraktion
  • Absolutwert
  • Multiplikation
  • Division
  • Limitierung
  • Komparator


  • Digital
  • Digital mit Zeit-Komparator
  • Analog


  • Zeit
  • Lokale Zeit in NetTime
  • NetTime in lokale Zeit
  • Zeit-Komperator


  • Multiplexer
  • Demultiplexer
  • PWM-Signalgenerator
  • Flankenerkennung
  • SR Flip Flop
  • Pulsgenerator
  • Latch
  • Delay

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