This course is instructed based on ACP10 motion control. For mapp Motion training, contact Academy.US@br-automation.com.
- Participants will be able to configure servo hardware for multi-axis applications.
- Participants will be able to understand the ACOPOS control concept and manually tune each axis.
- Participants will be able to trace drive parameters and network commands using the motion test environment built into Automation Studio.
- Participants will be able to synchronize a slave axis to a real/virtual master axis.
- Participants will be able to program cam coupling using the latest motion library provided in Automation Studio.
- Participants will be able to program gear coupling using the latest motion library provided in Automation Studio.
- Participants will be able to adjust the phasing and offset of linked axes.
- Participants will be able to update drive configuration parameters in runtime.
Poskytnuté dokumenty
TM441 – Motion control: Electronic gears and cams
In addition to single-axis functions, the PLCopen standard also offers functions for the coordinated movement of multiple axes in an axis group. By implementing mapp technology, using them is made easier. Drive coupling can be carried out quickly with this.
Objectives and content
- Properties of drive coupling
- Linear coupling and dynamic phase shift
- Creating and using electronic cam profiles
- Parameterization and application of the MpAxisCoupling component
- Structure and functionality of the Cam Profile Automat
- Implementation of the Cam Profile Automat with MpAxisCamSequencer
- Overview of the different types of compensation gearing
- Exercises and examples
TM450 – ACOPOS: Control Concept and Configuration
The controllers integrated in an ACOPOS drive have a large number of configuration and optimization options. Maximum control quality can be achieved if ideal controller parameter values are configured. This training module provides an overview of how this is done.
Objectives and content
- The basics of closed-loop control
- Description of setpoint generator, position controller, speed controller and current controller
- Calculating parameters for speed and position controllers
- Procedure for setting parameters
- Determining control parameters using autotuning
- Saving the calculated controller parameters
TM460 – Initial Commissioning of Motors
Before a motor can be used, the respective power electronics must first be checked for compatibility. Only then can the data required to configure the drive system be entered and calculated. This process is then completed by commissioning the motor.
Learning objectives and contents
- Selection criteria and compatibility of components
- Preparation and information regarding installation
- Parameter identification and configuration
- Motors, encoders, temperature sensors and holding brake
- Calculating the commutation offset - Phasing
- Entering the temperature characteristic curve
- Encoder configuration
- Configuring the holding brake
- Commissioning checklist for the individual components
- Examples and exercises
SEM210.4A – Automation Studio Training: Accelerated Basics in Control and Visualization
- You’ll be able to use the programming tool Automation Studio and its help system.
- You’ll be able to configure hardware functions and set up CPU simulation.
- You’ll be able to configure the target’s network options and use Target Browser to find the target.
- You’ll be able to create, compile, and transfer project to target. Ladder Diagram will be the language of choice for the basic courses, but the instructor can provide pointers for Structured Text or ANSI C.
- You’ll be able to manage variable declaration and data retention.
- You’ll be able to use standard functions (e.g. compare and compute) and function blocks (e.g. timers and counters) in Ladder Diagram and create custom function blocks.
- You’ll be able to store project source code on the target.
- You’ll be able to utilize common Automation Runtime features, such as cycle time adjustment.
- You’ll be able to use Runtime Utility Center to back up and restore the CF card used by the target.
- You’ll be able to use System Diagnostics Manager, Runtime Utility Center, and Automation Studio to diagnose hardware issues and troubleshoot software bugs.
- You’ll be able to integrate basic visualization into a control project.
- You’ll be able to display visualization on a VNC client.
- You’ll be able to display and convert unit scaling in visualization.
- You’ll be able to change the display language and systematically update the translation.
- You’ll be able to program and activate touch screen calibration.
- You’ll be able to display the System Diagnostics Manager.
- You’ll be able to display webpages, such as user’s manual in HTML format, in visualization.
- You’ll be able to display live data trending in visualization.
SEM250.3A – Automation Studio Training: Intermediate Control and Visualization
- Naučíte se používat textové programovací editory v Automation Studio 3. Jazyky Strukturovaný text a ANSI C jsou volitelnými jazyky v kurzech pro pokročilé.
- Naučíte se nastavovat různé typy proměnných, výpočty a struktury v Automation Studio.
- Naučíte se inicializaci, vytváření kopií a porovnávání polí a struktur s použitím správy knihovny.
- Naučíte se vytvářet uživatelské knihovny v programovacím jazyce.
- Naučíte se programovat a ladit PID řízení a implemetnovat PWM.
- Naučíte se využívat pokročilé funkce Automation Runtime, jako je optimalizace systémového časovače, synchronizace dat a správa webových služeb.
- Naučíte se používat šablony a listy stylů.
- Naučíte se zobrazovat vlastní alarmy a číst alarmové potvrzení
- Naučíte se číst alarmovou historii a používat programovací kód.
- Naučíte se protokolovat data do textových souborů jak na CF kartu, tak v síti LAN.
- Naučíte se číst/zapisovat proměnné CPU pomocí OPC serveru.
- Naučíte se vytvářet dynamické grafické a textové zobrazení.
- Naučíte se kontrolovat vstupy dotykové obrazovky určené k řízení průběhu kalibrace a pohybu kurzoru v trendových datech.
- Naučíte se zobrazovat kreslenou grafiku pro zobrazení pokroku.
- Naučíte se zobrazovat stav aplikace v nástroji System Diagnostic Manager a připojit toto zobrazení na vlastní webové stránky.
Kód školení
Přihlaste se nyní! Informace o cenách získáte od svého obchodního zástupce
Event location
B&R Online (US), Eastern Time Zone
Remote Training
Spojené státy
1250 Northmeadow Parkway
30076 Roswell
Spojené státy
+1 / 770 772 - 0400
Další informace
Od: 17.02.2025
Začátek: 08:00
Do: 18.02.2025
Konec: 17:00
Stav rezervace:
Délka školení:
2 Dny
Jazyk: Angličtina