Destaque: embalagem
O nascimento da máquina adaptativa (Capa)
Pequenos lotes, ciclos de vida mais curtos e compras online representam um grande desafio que somente pode ser solucionado com uma nova geração de máquinas: a máquina adaptativa. Mais...
Deixando para trás linhas tradicionais de fabricação
Máquinas utilizadas em embalagens primárias de alimentos e bebidas precisam suportar limpeza com jatos d'água em alta pressão. O novo sistema ACOPOStrak com nível IP69K abre um novo leque de possibilidades. Mais...
Wolf: SuperTrak entra em campo
Transporte de produtos flexível e delicado. Mais...
Christ: O sistema de visão da B&R em uma empacotadora de caixas horizontal
O inspetor entra no caso. More...
K+S: Linha de montagem com um sistema de motor linear de estator longo
O trem bala da automação. Mais...
Canon Production Printing: Dynamic motion control
Premium printing with futuristic flexibility. More...
PEG: Transporte seguro de passageiros
Future looking up for Prague's lookout tower. More...
EIM Solutions: Open source technology
Smart supply chain connectivity. More...
Entrevista | expert q&a
"The focus is on the customer and their needs"
The integration of ABB robots into the B&R automation system enables entirely new approaches to machine automation. ABB’s Gregor Kumm and B&R’s Stefan Schönegger tell us what advantages the new solution brings. More...
OPC UA over TSN - Unified standard for the IIoT
It seems everyone these days is talking about OPC UA and TSN. Networking specialist Stefan Bina answers some of the most important questions about OPC UA over TSN and the future of industrial communication. More...
Faster to a finished machine
Manufacturing OEMs are challenged with how to build increasingly customized, specialized machines – and getting them up and running as fast as possible. The answer: using simulation and digital twin technology. More...
One machine - Countless possibilities
The manufacturing industry has long dreamt of machines that adapt to different products in virtually no time. With today’s automation technology, this dream is becoming a reality. More...
Single interface for seamless connectivity
To implement their increasingly complex production processes, builders and operators of cutting-edge manufacturing systems will rely on a new generation of automation solutions.More...
Autonomous agriculture
If you imagine an agricultural landscape, you probably picture a field being worked by a farmer on his tractor. As the world’s population continues to grow, there will soon be at least one big change to this scenario. More...