AI-enhanced machine vision

Collaboration with MVTec and Hailo brings powerful deep learning functions to B&R smart cameras.

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Think adaptive at SPS 2022

In times of rapidly shifting consumer behavior and unpredictable changes in markets and supply chains, B&R helps machine builders and manufacturers turn on the power of adaptivity.

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Free choice of simulation tool

With FMU Export, machine code can be exported and integrated as a PLC simulation into any simulation tool, allowing simulation experts to work in the familiar software ecosystem of their choice.

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ACOPOS P3: At home anywhere in the world

B&R's ACOPOS P3 servo drive is compatible with all common power supply systems, making it easy to use anywhere in the world.

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ABB opens global innovation and training campus for machine automation at B&R in Austria

The new campus serves as ABB global R&D center for machine and factory automation, AI and software solutions.

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MA-IT MyAutomation ontvangt QKP-certificaat 2022 van B&R Industriële Automatisering

Op 25 maart jl. ontving Aram Malas, managing director van MA-IT MyAutomation, uit handen van Piet Tak (advisor & coach B&R Industriële Automatisering) het certificaat ‘B&R Qualified Knowledge Partner 2022’. Sinds 2018 is MA-IT als B&R partner…

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ACOPOS P3 trotseert omgevingsinvloeden

De elektronica van de ACOPOS servoaandrijving wordt nu standaard voorzien van een speciale coating die bescherming biedt tegen externe factoren. Dat maakt de servoaandrijving perfect voor gebruik onder veeleisende omstandigheden.

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Faster commissioning with no power supply surprises

A new function in B&R Automation Studio shows exactly where power supply modules are needed while laying out the I/O system, making commissioning faster and more predictable.

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On track

TÜV SÜD Rail has certified B&R's X90 system for use in railway applications. In accordance with the EN 50155, EN 50657 and EN 45545-2 standards, the mobile control system can now be used for applications such as lighting and temperature control.

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Nieuwe e-mobiliteitsexpert van B&R richt zich op batterijproductie

Als nieuwe industriemanager voor electromobility biedt Ronny Guber automatiseringsoplossingen voor de uitdagingen van batterijproductie welke gepaard gaan met de verschuiving naar elektrische voertuigen.

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Graag land en taal kiezen

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