
Verze Jazyk
Operační systém
Typ Stáhnout
3.4.0 EN Windows10 06.07.2023 1 MB ZIP ADI_.NET_SDK_3.4.0.zip

This software can be used to access B&R Automation Device Interface (ADI) functions directly from .NET applications created using Microsoft Visual Studio.

It can be used, for example, to set LEDs or change the brightness setting on a B&R Automation Panel.

The appropriate ADI driver for the device must be installed.

The programming languages Visual Basic and Visual C# are supported.

Updated for universal ADI driver version 3.1.0:

- Added support for SDL4 on the APC4100.
- Added support for APC4100.
- Removed support for APC2100 and PPC2100.
- Hardwarevalue.NumberOfSupportedPanels can be used to query the maximum number of supported Automation Panels of the B&R device.


- Samples are signed from now on to prevent false positives from antivirus programs.
- Renamed "Automation PC mobile 3100" to "Automation PC 3100 mobile".
- Added note about exiting ADI applications for the download and upload functions.
- Added note about automatic panel locking for AdiLockPanel.
- Added support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.
- Removed support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.
- Removed support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013.
- Removed support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015.
- Removed support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.
- Added support for Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2021 LTSC.
- Removed support for Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2016 LTSB.
- Migration from .NET 4.0 to .NET 4.6.2 as support for .NET 4.0 was discontinued on 2016-01-12.
- Removed help documentation in MS Help Viewer format (.MSHC).
- Removed code snippets.
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