Health/safety and the protection of people and the environment

In accordance with our company values we view our environment as well as the environment in which we work as a precious asset and we therefore act responsibly to protect all resources.

We expect our suppliers to fulfil their obligation as a partner who protects and ensures health/safety and the protection of people and the environment.

Conflict Minerals:

The US “Dodd Frank Act” issues documentation and public disclosure regulations for companies which ensure that the manufactured products do not contain any “Conflict Minerals”.

“Conflict Minerals” are minerals / precious metals (such as tantalum (Ta), tin (Sn), gold (Au) and tungsten (W)) which are extracted in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or an adjoining state under the control of armed groups and which serve to finance conflicts in this region.

In this context we expect our business partners to adhere to the regulations for DRC conflict free buying.

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